Men’s Ministry

The Brotherhood is our Men’s Ministry which is available for all men who are members of Six Mile Church.  They meet on the first Wednesday after the first Sunday of every month at 6:30.  The men of the Brotherhood are responsible for keeping up the church buildings and the church grounds and strive to keep the church’s exterior looking its absolute best.  The Brotherhood has regular “workings” that include doing things such as mulching the flower beds, cleaning gutters, tree removal and trimming, painting and caring for the parking lot.  They also take care of snow and ice removal and anything else that might need spur of the moment attention.  Also they may do odd jobs in the community to help those in need.

Workings like these are a great way to fellowship and get to know our brothers in Christ better as well as getting these odd jobs done while minimizing the cost to the church.  Besides work, the men of The Brotherhood also love to eat and have fellowship dinners regularly.  Any man who is a member of SMMBC can join Brotherhood by attending a meeting but you don’t have to be a member of The Brotherhood or the church to take part in any of the dinners or workings.  The Brotherhood elects officers every year as part of the church’s officers and teacher elections, the offices include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Service Times

9:15am     Prayer Room
9:30am     Sunday School
10:30am   Morning Worship
6:00pm     Evening Worship

6:30pm     Prayer Group

6:30pm     Kid’s Club
7:00pm     Worship
7:30pm     RA’s & GA’s
7:30pm     Acteens
7:30pm     Teen Disciples

Upcoming Men Events

There are no upcoming events.

Upcoming Events

7:00 pm Business Meeting
Business Meeting
Feb 12 @ 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm
The members of the church hold a monthly business meeting for the first 15 minutes of the Wednesday evening service.
7:00 pm Business Meeting
Business Meeting
Mar 12 @ 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm
The members of the church hold a monthly business meeting for the first 15 minutes of the Wednesday evening service.
7:00 pm Business Meeting
Business Meeting
Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm
The members of the church hold a monthly business meeting for the first 15 minutes of the Wednesday evening service.
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